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Monday, 26 April 2010

Info: Need Technical Sales staff for Batam

Judul : Need Technical Sales staff for Batam
Kota / Negara: Batam/Indonesia
Info Lowongan: Our company, Nordic Power Desiccant, needs a technical sales staff to be placed in Batam.

Job Description:
1. board vessels
2. handle/install desiccants
3. Download data and write reports
4. find leads

Only Apply if you are:
1. University Graduate
2. Have Drivers'license
3. Speaks and writes fluent English
4. Physically fit
5. Have Passport
6. below 25
7. Fresh graduates preferred
8. Good with Computer

Please include the following in the application: (Scanned and Emailed)
1. CV
2. Resume
3. Photo
4. Driver's license
5. Passport
6. Degree Certificate

In the Title of the email please type:
"Nordic Vacancy Application"
and in the body of text please briefly introduce yourself i.e. name,age,which degree and where are you currently staying.

Please fulfill the above criteria or your email will be ignored.

Benny Badjo
Perusahaan /Alamat:
Contak Person : Benny Badjo
Nomor Telp.:
Email Address:
Kode rc4:
Visitor Ip:

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