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Monday 29 October 2012

Cari: IT Software Development Manager

Judul*: IT Software Development Manager

Nama*: Soetardjo

Keahlian*: Multitalent Business Management/VP/IT System, Procedure, Business
Process Management

Biodata*: I am Expert and Master for All System and Management, Multitalent
for Business Management, IT Management(All about IT). NO following currently
method, coz I having self method, but already very Accepted by my Client
from 1986 to now, that important they very satisfy. But in
implementation/Action and No Talkless. From 1986 upto Now. Very Professional
and Very Responsible. And I am not YES BOZ, for development and Profit your
company, Boz ready angried by me if Boz wrong. If no accepted it, better
dont accept me from now

Alamat: 081310890274

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